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据美联社2011年9月12日,美国的一个智库——INSA(Intelligence and National Security Alliance,情报与国家安全联盟)——宣布将发表一份旨在建议美国政府建立一套网络空间(cyber)情报系统,重点加强政府机构与私营单位之间的情报协调的报告。有该报道的中文摘译。
报告警告说,美国政府应超越传统的“弥补和祈祷”战略,制定网络空间情报政策,在政府机构和企业间更好地协调并分享情报信息,及加大网络空间***属性和告警的研究。(the U.S. must develop strategies beyond the current "patch and pray" procedures, create cyber intelligence policies, coordinate and share intelligence better among government agencies and businesses, and increase research on attack attribution and warnings.)
The report comes amid growing worries the U.S. is not prepared for a major cyberattack, even as hackers, criminals and nation states continue to probe and infiltrate government and critical business networks millions of times a day.
美联社还说,U.S. officials have long pointed to Russia and China, as well as a number of Eastern European nations, as some of the leading safe havens for cybercriminals, or government-sponsored or tolerated hacking.
the INSA report says that cyber intelligence needs better coordination among government agencies, as well as with the private sector.
INSA作为一个无党派的安全组织,里面汇集了来自政府和企业的人士。该组织曾经在2009年为奥巴马政府有关网络空间的政策制定提供了支持。INSA下设一个,尤其关注政府与企业间的情报分享,并在2009年提出了一个(Public-Private Partnership)模型: